I like nothing better than a good solid jam. And given the choice, I’ll chose live shows over studio recorded stuff most days. The ability to play and compose and create on the fly is something that I consider a gift, and few are so brave to attempt it. Even fewer do it well. But jamming will often take you to musical places not yet explored. So when Seattle-based Snoose Junction sent me a link to a live freeform recording done on the air on KEXP Radio, I was intrigued.
"The Last Days Of Ballard Saga Cycle" is the name they've given to this epic. Because the recording is one hour long, with the first two songs taking up just about 50 minutes it is a little difficult to review the songs as songs. So let me just say that there are elements of all the classics in here: Hendrix’s feedback noise, Anastasio’s noodling, and madman chattering ala Pink Floyd, some trippy Dead-head danceable stuff, some Neil Young-style vocals, and some crunchy bottom heavy Zeppelinesque bits.
If you’re a fan of any of the above or want to listen outside the box, I invite you to jump right in. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Listen here: http://www.5-track.com/CDSonarchy.html or check out some of their other music on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/snoosejunction